Saturday, September 26, 2009

I want to live there.

Sweet living room set from Ikea, fully stocked fridges of Red Bull and Stella Artois, Skyy Vodka on hand and a couple of sleek iMac's. No, I'm not talking about my living room, I'm talking about the delegate lounge. I have two of those things in my living room but they ain't the couch or the iMac.

I have to say I'm pretty envious of the delegates. First off, if you haven't seen the lounge yet it looks really amazing. The furniture totally compliments the interior, it's stocked with plenty of reading material - including the official Calgary International Film Festival program guide and copies of Fashion Magazine in addition to lots of free swag including some very well designed re-usable water bottles and other goodies.

I grabbed a few photos of the lounge and all I want to know is how can I get Stella and Skyy to sponsor my place? There are also couches are also on the first floor just behind the box office giving off a very and warm feel to the space. I spotted some delegates and some folks just buying tickets taking advantage of the nice comfy couches on the ground floor.

The delegate lounge is located on the second floor of the CIFF box office in Downtown Calgary, 207 - 8th Avenue S.W in Fashion Central. Why not stop by and have a quick drink of Skyy Vodka or a Stella Artois and grab a seat on a comfy Ikea couch? Start up a conversation or use the sleek looking iMac's to check your email. Either way, it's not a bad way to spend an afternoon before a film if you're a delegate. I forgot to mention there's free bite-sized cheese up there too.

Before I wrap up, if any delegates are reading this and get any ideas about mixing the fridge stocked with Red Bull with the complimentary alcoholic beverages, we don't endorse any mixing of any products. We also don't endorse using water bottles for any other use :)

I'm also wondering who I talk to after the festival is done, I could use a few couches.