Well, even though Montreal had a blistering hot day that 'felt like' 46 degrees (which they are getting used to, and I am melting... fast), Fantasia went off without a hitch last night with the Canadian premiere of THE SORCERER'S APPRENTICE! They even had Disney reps in the house!! That and major security to keep an eye on anyone trying to record the movie. Anyway, Montreal's Jay Baruchel is the lead in the film, and he was there for the intro and Q&A. The movie... super fun! His Q&A... hysterical. Disney was worried about his performance looking PG, and his Q&A was for totally 18A. I am sure they were freaking out! The coolest part though was how much he loves Fantasia, goes every year, how much he attributes his acting success to having worked on such great Canadian films, and how he always will. He also said that he wished all his films would premiere there, where he is from. I like his attitude!
Following the screening many went to IP Man 2, but I of course went to the after-party. Extremely well attended, free for everyone and tons of fun. Films projecting on walls.... djs... and weird dancing girls throughout the night.
Fantasia will be running all of July from now until July 28, but I will be here until the 15th looking for some great Late Shows, and a few add-ons to World Cinema, Canadian and American indie genre films!
Tonight... I am going to check out PHOBIA 2 from Thailand, which CIFF screened the first one two years ago, SECRET REUNION which is the second film from the Korean director of ROUGH CUT, which CIFF screened last year, and definitely will make sure to meet Herschell Gordon Lewis! .... oh, and they just announced Rubber, the lead actor in RUBBER will be in attendance for the midnight screening.
This festival is the geekiest film fun you can have for sure!
More updates to come ---
Brenda Lieberman
CIFF Programmer